Welcome to a holistic yoga experience With Katie Lee Toth. Trained in holy Rishikesh, India at the foothills of the Himalayas, along India's mighty Ganges River. Katie received her 200 hr YTT in October of 2009 and continually strives to help all who cross her path, heal from the inside out. Join Katie for yoga the way it is meant to be taught with hatha, pranayama, meditation, mantra and relaxation. Om shanti!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Yogi has landed!
Well i made it home safely from India. After a couple of days of gathering myself I thought I would update. I will continue to add things to this blog while I am home as I have time and can remember some of my experiences. So fell free to keep checking. Also i will add all of my pictures.
My trip home was pretty intense but fun none the less. WE left the ashram at 1:30 pm on Sunday November 1st. WE took the Ashram Jeep because our drivers car had gotten a flat tire. We squeezed 7 people in a five person space but the rule is "always room in Indian Car!" So we had Sherina, Sitske and Danesha our driver in the front seat and me, Melissa, Anson and Ashina jammed in the back seat.
Now my SI joint totally went out on me saturday and I was as crooked as could be. Again my plevis was twisted so that my left leg was an inch shorter than my right leg and I had a major lean going on. I was in a ton of pain. Saturday night while everyone was out eating banaffee pie and nutella pancakes, I was lying on my floor with my legs propped on my bed meditating on my little Ganesha statue. Ganesha is the elephant and the remover of obstacles. Alas he did not remove my spine so I had to grin and bear it. So I asked my physio friend Helen and she said that I could not damage my spine by travelling in so much pain, that my pain was muscular, and to just load up on my muscle realaxers, ibuprofen and vicodin. All of which I am so grateful I have saved up over the past couple of years becasue I really needed them on Sunday. So sunday came and I was still in agony, Vishva came and tried to manipulate me but to no avail, my neighbor practiced reiki on me with zero results and my desperate attempt to Get Madvi to please try her matrix healing on me again failed. She was really sick, so was I actually, both her roomate and mine had, had really bad colds and so we both were the lucky recipients of the virus. SO it was hard for her to expend energy on healing me if she didnt have any. So I had to suck it up and go anyway. Luckily it was Sunday and Karma Yoga day so my neighbor Krista packed my bags for me. She was soo sweet and a very good packer. It was a good lesson in giving up control for me too. Im not always good at asking for help or letting people take care of my things for me. Melissa and some of the other girls were nice enough to take my bags out to the car for me. My backpack was 40lbs on the way to India plus I filled a whole duffle bag full of Xmas gifts for my entire family and lots of friends. Aye. Thank God for friends to help me out with all of that!
Melissa was the best friend I could have had through out all of this. She and I had the exact same flight from Chicago to delhi and from Delhi to chicago. SO she arranged the car and got all my bags and totally hooked me up. She really took care of me. We were even able to sit next to eachother on the plane and at the airport she loaded my bags for me.
So being squished in the back seat of the jeep was honestly the best thing for my obscured pelvis. We were all nice and jammed in so I was well supported for the NINE hour drive to Delhi. The drive was insane. Everyone in India was on the road that day. We were bobbing and weaving and screeching to a halt every five feet. CArs and motorcylces and buses would scream toward us head on aND BLARE THEIR HORNS and peel off at the last second. And it is true about India. There was this huge traffic jam and when we finally all drove around the obstacle in the middle of the raod it was three cows just lying on the middle of the street lazing away, tails swishing carefree back and forth. It was hysterical. And the dust! Oh my the dust. there was not one cubic inch of air that was not densley packed with Indian dust. All of the trees along side the road were no longer green but tan. The air had a bronze to it. It made for a most dusky rose red beautiful sunset however.
Despite all of that, the weather was absolutely perfect and it felt wonderful to have the windows open. Even though everytime I stopped smiling and my lipps closed over my teeth I had a pound of grit stuck to them! We made the best of it. We chanted every mantra we knew. We chanted the healing mantra, the ashram sang it it us as wel left too. We chanted the Gyatri mantra, Shanti mantra the joytir mantra and when the traffic jam was really bad we chanted to Ganesha to remove our obstacle. We sang to Shiva and to our inner guru and all of the above. It is so nice to know that wherever I go I will have those songs in my heart and I can draw on my world yoga family for support when I need them.
We did make one stop on our way to the Airport at the Chetal Grand Cafe. We were singing Hare Chetal. We were so happy to stop and eat. We did actually have to pee too but we were all so dehydrated from the dust. I drank over three litres of water in the six hours before we stopped. If that was a normal car ride I would have had to pee at least 3-4 times :) We were all starving. We had eaten lunch at the Ashram before we left, my favorite, yellow dal Mmmm. So we hadnt eaten in like 7 hours. We all shared oranges and dried fruit and nuts and some chocolate but we were starving. So we ate the Chetal Grand, we all ordered veggie burgers and they had grilled cheese. Sitske dontaed a portion of her grilled cheeze to me. It was soo divine. i hadnt had bread or real (?) cheeze in 30 days. We all got our veggie burgers and ravished them. I wolfed my nearly all the way down before I realized there was lettuce and mayonnaise and tomato on it. We all got a little panicked. We hadnt eaten any of that stuff because we were unsure of its saftey. My mind immediately pictured spewing dirreha and vomitting on a 15 hour plane ride with a broken back. Luckily my Grapefruit seed extract was handy and we all downed a huge dose of it. That stuff is amazing it cures everything! I highly reccommend it. Anyway none of us got sick. the traffic was crazy as we neared Delhi. they actually have traffic lights in Delhi. There was one point were we were in an intersection with a roundabout and cars merging in every single direction all horns a blaring, it was so enmassed with cars i coulndt even make out where the road was. It was hysterical I couldnt stop laughing the Chaos was too perfect I have never experienced anything like it. It was like when bees do their dance and there is this huge swarm and all of them are crawling over top of eachother and twisting and turning in different directions only it was a mass of cars, bikes busses and what not. I just had to laugh! They say that God lives in india simply because of situations like that. There is no order, no control, yet everyone makes it through and no one gets hurt. It makes America feel like a bunch of babies to me. We cant do anything here with out a sign or a rule. India it is all common sense. Its pretty craky and kinda cool.
So we dropped off Anson and Sherina at the Hotel and blazed to the airport. At the airport police can stop you and if you have too many people in your car they can give you a fine and male you walk the rest of the way in. So we were violating the seatbelt law in Delhi and therefore had to dop off our two folks. We made it to the airport by 1030 pm. Delhi airport has free baggage carts everywhere and Melissa got one and loaded up our bags. My back was really feeling the ride by this time. It was very quick and we got our bags checked and the counter agent was able to get my and melissa's seat right behind eachother. We got cheked in, made it through check point one of three for security, went potty... ahhhhh and I was able to call my husband and immediately went to board the plane. So down the hallway to board the plane they searched our carry ons again and made us relinquish the water we had jusst purchased. Apparently we needed a receipt. So then we walked a little further and then had to take our shoes off and get wanded. The lady at our first security chekpoint who wanded me was so tired her eyes were bloody red and she nodded off standing up as i walked up to her! That's a long shift! Anyway we made it on to our plane and the gentleman who was sitting next to Mel agreed to trade seats with me so I could sit next to her in the Isle seat. Thank GOD! And alas we embarked on our 15 hour plane ride! They served us some food right away and gave us a snack bag and informed us that we would get breakfast 90 ins before landing in Chicago. I was so tired and on so many pills all I wanted to do was sleep but I could absolutely not get comfortable. My back was spasming so bad. sending jolts making my whole body twitch. I couldnt bear it anymore so I took a walk to the toilet. and then went to beg for mercy from the flight attendants. They ahd this rather large galley in the back of the plane. SO I went back there and they said "yes" and I just strted balling. I couldnt even get one word out and I was just sobbing. I amangaed to beg them to please let me ly on the floor for a little while and that my back hurt soo bad. they were so amazingly wonderful and accommodating. The two ladies got me a blanket to lie on and two pillows one for my head and one for my legs and the one lady even flattened a plastic water bottle and filled it woth ot water so I could use it as a heating pad. Iw as never more grateful in my whole life! Now mind you these two stewerdesses had just flown to Delhi from Chicago, a 15hour flight got four hours of sleep and then RAN A MARATHON in delhi and got back on their flight to go back to Chicago! Holy crap! they were amazing!!!!! They let me lie ther for over two hours. SO I actually got to sleep lying down for a bit! It was heavenly. im pretty sure they saved my life! SO after I left the floor we still had like EIGHT hours to go! I thinkg I walked around the whole plane a good dozen times. I think some of the people up front werre getting sick of seeing me. The two sections ahead of ours were the Elite business class and they had the reclineing chairs that fully laid out so they were almost verticle. I was trying to practice kindness to those that are happy but I was very envious. One couple even had their two children, like 5 and six years old all stretched out cozy in their jammies each in their own fully reclining seat. Lucky little varmits! Everyone was all curled up with pillows and burried in their blankets a few poeple were even snoring. They all looked so peaceful. I guess I could have been that peaceful if I would have shelled out $5 grand for a ticket too! Alas I only that the $1000 ticket.
The flight was very smooth and the service was great. I highly reccommend American Airlines for your long distance travel. They did me well. WE flew directly over the north pole to come home. It was quite bizzarre. We flew into darkness the entire 15 hour ride. It was quite bizzarre because for six hours of the car ride and then two hours at the airport and then 15 hours inthe plane we were in complete night time. We arrived in Chicago at 440am it was of course dark! We arrived before customs opened so we had to wait 10 minutes on the plane. Customs was a piece of cake actually. I had an apple on me that they took away but other than that it was pretty easy going. Melissa and I were so happy to be off the plane we got some pics together. We went and had a second breakfast to celebrate being able to eat food again. I had a cheeze omlete with some potatoes and Mel got toast with guacamole and yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. I was so excited to get my food and when it arrived I realized I couldnt really eat it. It was soo greasy my stomach churned just looking at it. we had been eating so clean and pure at the Ashram that it seemed silly. I wailed on the cheeziest part of the omlete but was sorely dissapointed. I no longer like greasy food I think. Grease is what i used to live for and here I am now tasting it for what it really was. It was heartbreaking for me. Now I know what my husband is talking about. I could only eat two of the tater wedges they gave me too. I found my eyes gazing longingly at melissas fruti and granola. She was really nice to me and shared her guacamole with me which I promptly spread on my toast and Jackpot!!! Oh how I have misssed garlic. The guac was so garlicy I was in heaven. Suddenly all was well in the world again. I didnt need any stupid eggs or potatoes or grease. I can have guac and toast. I might eat this everyday for breakfast. Mmmmmmm. our waitress probably thought we were freaks especially beacus we asked for plain hot water! We wanted hot water with lime, we drank that every morning at the ashram before yoga. its a natural cleanser to get the digestion stimulated! It works too :)
Anyway Shortly after our feast the sun started to rise and we welcomed it with rejoicing hearts. We sat at Melissas gate she was leaving at 830 am to head to colorado. Agian I was jealous I had to wait till 1115 to leave to tampa. Her flight started boarding and we were soo sad to part. This was it we had to part our separate ways. We at least had eachother to remind us of our glorious time at the ashram. We both had the same experiences and had shared so much with eachother along this perilous journey to get home. She was my crutch I had her to count on to help me and now I was alone. I gave her a big teary hug and sent her off with the healing mantra. Wondering when the next time i will be able to sing that with somone who knows what it means. I walked with my head down to my gate feeling very alone and scared and really tired. I amde some calls to my family and let them know I was home. I met a really nivce polish guy who asked me to watch his bags while he went to the bathroom. I was kind nervous for a minute but he came back with a big grateful smile and some McDonalds. I cant even imagine what eating a Mc Donalds breakfast sandwhich would do to my intestines!
I then found out my gate was changed so I hobbled over and sat directly in the most sunniest direct sun rayz possible. Just so happy to see the sun. It was nearing 9am and I hadnt slept more then 45 minutees strainght in over 30 hours! I started freking out feeling super crazy like I had just been in a time rip in a Stephen King novel. I didnt know what was happening or where I was. Did I even go to India? Oh my god! Did I? Did I really even go? What day is it? I left Sunday at 130 and now its monday at 9 am? But I travelled for 30 hours but how is this all possible? I was so scared "what if I just dreamed all of this?" I started to cry in desperation. I called Nick sobbing, "Nick did I really just go to India? I cant even tell. I dont even know what day it is" Nick wasnt sure if I had really gone either which wasnt really helpful. But he did say it was Monday November 2nd. So that helped a little. I hung up and laid on my side on my bags and did some serious deep breathing. Some good Analoma Viloma breathing we learned in yoga. I very quickly fell asleep for an hour and half! I awoke to my plane boarding. Finally only one more leg and I am home. I felt more like a human being after my nap which I was so grateful for. I thought I was really looneybins for a minute. The 2hours and 35 minute to Tampa felt so unbeleivably fast after a 15 hour plane ride it was almost a joke.
As soon as we got off the plane in Tampa and I walked down to the baggage both of my bags were right there. I had the porter grab them, I saw nick drive up and I was on my way. The porter and i walked up to the car and I had so many emotions swirling through my head on top of gross fatigue that the first words out of my mouth to Nick were, "Did you forget that my back was broken?!" my poor husband slumped in defeat. I was so happy to see him but yet i was picturing him greetin me inside the airport and being there to help me with my bags and then he parked as far away as possible and I was sooo tired and dirty and smelly. Oh it was such a mess so I sobbed the whole way home apologizing profusely. Im soooo sorry. I was soo happy to see him, so happy he was there everything worked out perfectly I dont know why I took that out on him. Thankfully my husband is very sweet and took mercy on me and forgave me. He was dissapointed too he wasnt there to greet me and help me with my bags and he had left in plenty of time to get there but the base was having a drill so he drove all the way to the main gate and it was closed. I felt so horrible so i apologized at least a thousand more times. I sobbed the ENITRE drive home. Tears of sobbing joy at the smell of the Clean Salty air, tears of joy at the sunshine, tears of joy that I dont have to sit on a plane any longer, tears of joy that I couldnt wait to take a shower and then a bath. We made it home and I sobbed squeezing my furry doggie whose whole body was quivering at her mommy being home. she licked me and whined and cried and did figure eights in my behalf. I immediately stripped off my clothes and took a hot shower scrubbing every square inch of my body TWICE. Then I plugged the drain and filled my tub with gallons of fresh clean hot water. Nick grabbed my salts for me and I dumped the rest of both containers in the tub and I laid back and sunk down and cried some more. It was so releiveing to take a bath. My body ached so badly I could barely stand up straight my low back my pelvis my legs and my ribs ached from being held in airplane chair position for so long. Iwas so sad and so happy to be home. I coulndt beleive it was over. How did that happen so fast? How could I really be home? Trying not to cling to the past I sunk into the tub deeper and told my husband how much I loved him!
My trip home was pretty intense but fun none the less. WE left the ashram at 1:30 pm on Sunday November 1st. WE took the Ashram Jeep because our drivers car had gotten a flat tire. We squeezed 7 people in a five person space but the rule is "always room in Indian Car!" So we had Sherina, Sitske and Danesha our driver in the front seat and me, Melissa, Anson and Ashina jammed in the back seat.
Now my SI joint totally went out on me saturday and I was as crooked as could be. Again my plevis was twisted so that my left leg was an inch shorter than my right leg and I had a major lean going on. I was in a ton of pain. Saturday night while everyone was out eating banaffee pie and nutella pancakes, I was lying on my floor with my legs propped on my bed meditating on my little Ganesha statue. Ganesha is the elephant and the remover of obstacles. Alas he did not remove my spine so I had to grin and bear it. So I asked my physio friend Helen and she said that I could not damage my spine by travelling in so much pain, that my pain was muscular, and to just load up on my muscle realaxers, ibuprofen and vicodin. All of which I am so grateful I have saved up over the past couple of years becasue I really needed them on Sunday. So sunday came and I was still in agony, Vishva came and tried to manipulate me but to no avail, my neighbor practiced reiki on me with zero results and my desperate attempt to Get Madvi to please try her matrix healing on me again failed. She was really sick, so was I actually, both her roomate and mine had, had really bad colds and so we both were the lucky recipients of the virus. SO it was hard for her to expend energy on healing me if she didnt have any. So I had to suck it up and go anyway. Luckily it was Sunday and Karma Yoga day so my neighbor Krista packed my bags for me. She was soo sweet and a very good packer. It was a good lesson in giving up control for me too. Im not always good at asking for help or letting people take care of my things for me. Melissa and some of the other girls were nice enough to take my bags out to the car for me. My backpack was 40lbs on the way to India plus I filled a whole duffle bag full of Xmas gifts for my entire family and lots of friends. Aye. Thank God for friends to help me out with all of that!
Melissa was the best friend I could have had through out all of this. She and I had the exact same flight from Chicago to delhi and from Delhi to chicago. SO she arranged the car and got all my bags and totally hooked me up. She really took care of me. We were even able to sit next to eachother on the plane and at the airport she loaded my bags for me.
So being squished in the back seat of the jeep was honestly the best thing for my obscured pelvis. We were all nice and jammed in so I was well supported for the NINE hour drive to Delhi. The drive was insane. Everyone in India was on the road that day. We were bobbing and weaving and screeching to a halt every five feet. CArs and motorcylces and buses would scream toward us head on aND BLARE THEIR HORNS and peel off at the last second. And it is true about India. There was this huge traffic jam and when we finally all drove around the obstacle in the middle of the raod it was three cows just lying on the middle of the street lazing away, tails swishing carefree back and forth. It was hysterical. And the dust! Oh my the dust. there was not one cubic inch of air that was not densley packed with Indian dust. All of the trees along side the road were no longer green but tan. The air had a bronze to it. It made for a most dusky rose red beautiful sunset however.
Despite all of that, the weather was absolutely perfect and it felt wonderful to have the windows open. Even though everytime I stopped smiling and my lipps closed over my teeth I had a pound of grit stuck to them! We made the best of it. We chanted every mantra we knew. We chanted the healing mantra, the ashram sang it it us as wel left too. We chanted the Gyatri mantra, Shanti mantra the joytir mantra and when the traffic jam was really bad we chanted to Ganesha to remove our obstacle. We sang to Shiva and to our inner guru and all of the above. It is so nice to know that wherever I go I will have those songs in my heart and I can draw on my world yoga family for support when I need them.
We did make one stop on our way to the Airport at the Chetal Grand Cafe. We were singing Hare Chetal. We were so happy to stop and eat. We did actually have to pee too but we were all so dehydrated from the dust. I drank over three litres of water in the six hours before we stopped. If that was a normal car ride I would have had to pee at least 3-4 times :) We were all starving. We had eaten lunch at the Ashram before we left, my favorite, yellow dal Mmmm. So we hadnt eaten in like 7 hours. We all shared oranges and dried fruit and nuts and some chocolate but we were starving. So we ate the Chetal Grand, we all ordered veggie burgers and they had grilled cheese. Sitske dontaed a portion of her grilled cheeze to me. It was soo divine. i hadnt had bread or real (?) cheeze in 30 days. We all got our veggie burgers and ravished them. I wolfed my nearly all the way down before I realized there was lettuce and mayonnaise and tomato on it. We all got a little panicked. We hadnt eaten any of that stuff because we were unsure of its saftey. My mind immediately pictured spewing dirreha and vomitting on a 15 hour plane ride with a broken back. Luckily my Grapefruit seed extract was handy and we all downed a huge dose of it. That stuff is amazing it cures everything! I highly reccommend it. Anyway none of us got sick. the traffic was crazy as we neared Delhi. they actually have traffic lights in Delhi. There was one point were we were in an intersection with a roundabout and cars merging in every single direction all horns a blaring, it was so enmassed with cars i coulndt even make out where the road was. It was hysterical I couldnt stop laughing the Chaos was too perfect I have never experienced anything like it. It was like when bees do their dance and there is this huge swarm and all of them are crawling over top of eachother and twisting and turning in different directions only it was a mass of cars, bikes busses and what not. I just had to laugh! They say that God lives in india simply because of situations like that. There is no order, no control, yet everyone makes it through and no one gets hurt. It makes America feel like a bunch of babies to me. We cant do anything here with out a sign or a rule. India it is all common sense. Its pretty craky and kinda cool.
So we dropped off Anson and Sherina at the Hotel and blazed to the airport. At the airport police can stop you and if you have too many people in your car they can give you a fine and male you walk the rest of the way in. So we were violating the seatbelt law in Delhi and therefore had to dop off our two folks. We made it to the airport by 1030 pm. Delhi airport has free baggage carts everywhere and Melissa got one and loaded up our bags. My back was really feeling the ride by this time. It was very quick and we got our bags checked and the counter agent was able to get my and melissa's seat right behind eachother. We got cheked in, made it through check point one of three for security, went potty... ahhhhh and I was able to call my husband and immediately went to board the plane. So down the hallway to board the plane they searched our carry ons again and made us relinquish the water we had jusst purchased. Apparently we needed a receipt. So then we walked a little further and then had to take our shoes off and get wanded. The lady at our first security chekpoint who wanded me was so tired her eyes were bloody red and she nodded off standing up as i walked up to her! That's a long shift! Anyway we made it on to our plane and the gentleman who was sitting next to Mel agreed to trade seats with me so I could sit next to her in the Isle seat. Thank GOD! And alas we embarked on our 15 hour plane ride! They served us some food right away and gave us a snack bag and informed us that we would get breakfast 90 ins before landing in Chicago. I was so tired and on so many pills all I wanted to do was sleep but I could absolutely not get comfortable. My back was spasming so bad. sending jolts making my whole body twitch. I couldnt bear it anymore so I took a walk to the toilet. and then went to beg for mercy from the flight attendants. They ahd this rather large galley in the back of the plane. SO I went back there and they said "yes" and I just strted balling. I couldnt even get one word out and I was just sobbing. I amangaed to beg them to please let me ly on the floor for a little while and that my back hurt soo bad. they were so amazingly wonderful and accommodating. The two ladies got me a blanket to lie on and two pillows one for my head and one for my legs and the one lady even flattened a plastic water bottle and filled it woth ot water so I could use it as a heating pad. Iw as never more grateful in my whole life! Now mind you these two stewerdesses had just flown to Delhi from Chicago, a 15hour flight got four hours of sleep and then RAN A MARATHON in delhi and got back on their flight to go back to Chicago! Holy crap! they were amazing!!!!! They let me lie ther for over two hours. SO I actually got to sleep lying down for a bit! It was heavenly. im pretty sure they saved my life! SO after I left the floor we still had like EIGHT hours to go! I thinkg I walked around the whole plane a good dozen times. I think some of the people up front werre getting sick of seeing me. The two sections ahead of ours were the Elite business class and they had the reclineing chairs that fully laid out so they were almost verticle. I was trying to practice kindness to those that are happy but I was very envious. One couple even had their two children, like 5 and six years old all stretched out cozy in their jammies each in their own fully reclining seat. Lucky little varmits! Everyone was all curled up with pillows and burried in their blankets a few poeple were even snoring. They all looked so peaceful. I guess I could have been that peaceful if I would have shelled out $5 grand for a ticket too! Alas I only that the $1000 ticket.
The flight was very smooth and the service was great. I highly reccommend American Airlines for your long distance travel. They did me well. WE flew directly over the north pole to come home. It was quite bizzarre. We flew into darkness the entire 15 hour ride. It was quite bizzarre because for six hours of the car ride and then two hours at the airport and then 15 hours inthe plane we were in complete night time. We arrived in Chicago at 440am it was of course dark! We arrived before customs opened so we had to wait 10 minutes on the plane. Customs was a piece of cake actually. I had an apple on me that they took away but other than that it was pretty easy going. Melissa and I were so happy to be off the plane we got some pics together. We went and had a second breakfast to celebrate being able to eat food again. I had a cheeze omlete with some potatoes and Mel got toast with guacamole and yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. I was so excited to get my food and when it arrived I realized I couldnt really eat it. It was soo greasy my stomach churned just looking at it. we had been eating so clean and pure at the Ashram that it seemed silly. I wailed on the cheeziest part of the omlete but was sorely dissapointed. I no longer like greasy food I think. Grease is what i used to live for and here I am now tasting it for what it really was. It was heartbreaking for me. Now I know what my husband is talking about. I could only eat two of the tater wedges they gave me too. I found my eyes gazing longingly at melissas fruti and granola. She was really nice to me and shared her guacamole with me which I promptly spread on my toast and Jackpot!!! Oh how I have misssed garlic. The guac was so garlicy I was in heaven. Suddenly all was well in the world again. I didnt need any stupid eggs or potatoes or grease. I can have guac and toast. I might eat this everyday for breakfast. Mmmmmmm. our waitress probably thought we were freaks especially beacus we asked for plain hot water! We wanted hot water with lime, we drank that every morning at the ashram before yoga. its a natural cleanser to get the digestion stimulated! It works too :)
Anyway Shortly after our feast the sun started to rise and we welcomed it with rejoicing hearts. We sat at Melissas gate she was leaving at 830 am to head to colorado. Agian I was jealous I had to wait till 1115 to leave to tampa. Her flight started boarding and we were soo sad to part. This was it we had to part our separate ways. We at least had eachother to remind us of our glorious time at the ashram. We both had the same experiences and had shared so much with eachother along this perilous journey to get home. She was my crutch I had her to count on to help me and now I was alone. I gave her a big teary hug and sent her off with the healing mantra. Wondering when the next time i will be able to sing that with somone who knows what it means. I walked with my head down to my gate feeling very alone and scared and really tired. I amde some calls to my family and let them know I was home. I met a really nivce polish guy who asked me to watch his bags while he went to the bathroom. I was kind nervous for a minute but he came back with a big grateful smile and some McDonalds. I cant even imagine what eating a Mc Donalds breakfast sandwhich would do to my intestines!
I then found out my gate was changed so I hobbled over and sat directly in the most sunniest direct sun rayz possible. Just so happy to see the sun. It was nearing 9am and I hadnt slept more then 45 minutees strainght in over 30 hours! I started freking out feeling super crazy like I had just been in a time rip in a Stephen King novel. I didnt know what was happening or where I was. Did I even go to India? Oh my god! Did I? Did I really even go? What day is it? I left Sunday at 130 and now its monday at 9 am? But I travelled for 30 hours but how is this all possible? I was so scared "what if I just dreamed all of this?" I started to cry in desperation. I called Nick sobbing, "Nick did I really just go to India? I cant even tell. I dont even know what day it is" Nick wasnt sure if I had really gone either which wasnt really helpful. But he did say it was Monday November 2nd. So that helped a little. I hung up and laid on my side on my bags and did some serious deep breathing. Some good Analoma Viloma breathing we learned in yoga. I very quickly fell asleep for an hour and half! I awoke to my plane boarding. Finally only one more leg and I am home. I felt more like a human being after my nap which I was so grateful for. I thought I was really looneybins for a minute. The 2hours and 35 minute to Tampa felt so unbeleivably fast after a 15 hour plane ride it was almost a joke.
As soon as we got off the plane in Tampa and I walked down to the baggage both of my bags were right there. I had the porter grab them, I saw nick drive up and I was on my way. The porter and i walked up to the car and I had so many emotions swirling through my head on top of gross fatigue that the first words out of my mouth to Nick were, "Did you forget that my back was broken?!" my poor husband slumped in defeat. I was so happy to see him but yet i was picturing him greetin me inside the airport and being there to help me with my bags and then he parked as far away as possible and I was sooo tired and dirty and smelly. Oh it was such a mess so I sobbed the whole way home apologizing profusely. Im soooo sorry. I was soo happy to see him, so happy he was there everything worked out perfectly I dont know why I took that out on him. Thankfully my husband is very sweet and took mercy on me and forgave me. He was dissapointed too he wasnt there to greet me and help me with my bags and he had left in plenty of time to get there but the base was having a drill so he drove all the way to the main gate and it was closed. I felt so horrible so i apologized at least a thousand more times. I sobbed the ENITRE drive home. Tears of sobbing joy at the smell of the Clean Salty air, tears of joy at the sunshine, tears of joy that I dont have to sit on a plane any longer, tears of joy that I couldnt wait to take a shower and then a bath. We made it home and I sobbed squeezing my furry doggie whose whole body was quivering at her mommy being home. she licked me and whined and cried and did figure eights in my behalf. I immediately stripped off my clothes and took a hot shower scrubbing every square inch of my body TWICE. Then I plugged the drain and filled my tub with gallons of fresh clean hot water. Nick grabbed my salts for me and I dumped the rest of both containers in the tub and I laid back and sunk down and cried some more. It was so releiveing to take a bath. My body ached so badly I could barely stand up straight my low back my pelvis my legs and my ribs ached from being held in airplane chair position for so long. Iwas so sad and so happy to be home. I coulndt beleive it was over. How did that happen so fast? How could I really be home? Trying not to cling to the past I sunk into the tub deeper and told my husband how much I loved him!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Im officially a yoga teacher!
Namaste, Hari Om-
WEll I graduated yesterday! I taught my third class on Thursday and everyone like Johanna and my sequence so much they all wanted to copy it. That was a pretty good feeling. WE have come to a close some people have already moved on. And for once in my life I am not sad to move on. Normally I cling and don't want things to end but this time I feel OK. I feel good about moving on. WE had a really neat experience the other day. We practiced Kundalini Yoga again. Man that is some powerful stuff. So we spend all class raising our Kundalini energy which is compared to a coiled snake at the base of your pelvis and through opening your nadis (or energy channels-which we have many of in our body, similar to meridians or chi lines) to allow the energy to flow freely so we are all getting charged up one can feel the air vibrating all around us and then Vishva-ji has us all chant Maa. Over and over and over again at our own breath. Chanting Maa to honor our mothers, where we are from our roots and honoring mother earth. I think out of 40+ people only like five were able to remain chaNTING cuz the rest of us were sobbing hysterically. Later that day we chanted again and the flood gates opened up. One girl in particular was releasing 9 years of repressed emotions so Vishva took her in front of him and made us all sit in a circle and chant mama to her. She sobbed so hard just releasing it all out. No where in my life have I felt so comfortable so at home in crying my eyes out in front of all these people. We are all free to release, free to release with out judgement and with full support. I called my mama immediately after the Kundalini class in the AM to tell here I loved her. I think ALL OF us have a new found love and apprecitation for our mothers. SO get this then, Thursday night was our last Kirtan the same day as the maa chanting and so VIshva again makes us chant another Maa maa chant and we were all like nooooooo dont make us do it again we were all tapped out from crying. So we started chanting and this particular mantra was a little more beautiful. SO while in the middle of chanting Vishvas mom came in the room and told him something and left. when we finished he told us that the Mother cow had her baby!!!!! We were all pretty sure it was the power of our our vibrations that made her have it on that day. we were feeding her our energy telling her it was ok and it was time. It was sooooo coool! The ashram has an orgainc garden that they feed us from and a few cows that provide us with milk everyday. mmmmmm. Last night we had a a picture slide show after dinner and They brought us milk from the new mom cow. The milk still contained the Colostrum in it and it was rather chunky and kinda gross to think about but I had some anyway and it was sooo sweet and delicious. Plus I have been rather sick now and I was hoping it would help my immune system. Needless to say I did not drink the chunks. I was also concerned about taking milk away from the baby but Vishva assured me that the mother produces 8x more than the baby can drink. It was very exciting! we all got to go see the baby and it was no more than an hour old and it was already standing. SO cute and the mama cow was very protective. It was such a wonderful experience. So the fact that we all have so much great energy and power together it only makes sense that we have to go out and spread it around the world. T'would be rather greedy to keep all of this energy in one place. So that being said I am ready to come home and spread the love! The more we love and accept ourselves the more we can share with others. So look out people here I come with big smiles and open arms!
I cant believe my time here is done. I dint even know what the date is. I know that I leave the ashram tomorrow for a very long ride to Delhi and then for a super long airplane ride home. I get into Chicago Monday morning at 5 and leave around 11 to go home to Tampa. SO if anyone is in Chi town in the AM come and see me.
Love you all!!!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Coming to a close
WEll I have been soo busy and there is only two days left! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I have taught two yoga classes already a beginners and an intermediate. Johanna and I teach together splitting the class one does 40 mins and the other does the next 40 mins. WE are teaching our last class this afternoon. Our theme is savoring. We are all trying to savor these last few days together. Not that I havent cried a ton already I am gonna ball so hard. These people have absolutely been my life for the past 4 weeks! Since I have written last I also have written my short paper and given a little speech and like I said taught two classes. I have been pretty confined since we have been so busy. We also had the Ashrams 3 year anniversary this past Sunday and Saturday Swami-ji came to teach our class. This is one of Vishva's first teachers. the man is 100 years old!!!! And in way better shape than me. It was quite the experience. He was hilarious he know like 20 English words that he has been learning in the last 4 years. SO he would yell commands at us. Right hand! SWITCH left hand! Circle! SWITCH! RECTUM UP! and in Savasana (our final relaxation) he yelled at us RELAX! Completely relax! It was hysterical like a little boot camp Sergeant! I have pictures of him. Ive never met anyone his age that was so funny and in such good shape. He walked a few miles to get to the ashram by 6am. Twas pretty impressive. Since then I attempted headstand and threw my neck out. I then learned afterwards I did not have my head in the proper position. Every one has been so wonderful. I have my own little team of medical professionals here. Helen a resident is a Physiotherapist who has helped with my SI joint and Neck, GoRav who is the resident yoga instructor does acupressure treatment and Mad-vi our anatomy instructor who is a matrix therapy healer. Every one spent so much time with me yesterday to help fix my neck and I am much better today. I can actually turn and look at someone. What Mad-vi does though is healing energy therapy and I could feel the energy surging through my body but it was being blocked by my injured spot. She said that she can only do so much and that my Karma needs to be resolved before I will fully heal. WHAT? But the more I learn about subtle energy the more I know it is true. We hold all of our emotions in our fascia in our body. The fascia is the connective tissue that hold our organs and muscles in place. Think about any reoccurring injuries you have...are they associated with painful memories? Certain relationships, something in your child hood. From years of practicing holding our emotions, like for me in my neck and shoulders, we can actually create our physical ailments. Same with illness. Negativity and tension or guilt built up over years can cause cancer even. Anyway kinda freaky. When I get home I will have more time to elaborate on things but for now just wanted to say HI really quick and let y'all know I will be coming home soon. I leave the Ashram Sunday after lunch for the long ride to Delhi then my flight is at 1250 am to Chicago. I arrive Tuesday I think at like 230.
So send me good healing vibes
Love ya'll see ya soon. If I have time I will post some pictures.
Remeber to Savor every moment of everyday
I have taught two yoga classes already a beginners and an intermediate. Johanna and I teach together splitting the class one does 40 mins and the other does the next 40 mins. WE are teaching our last class this afternoon. Our theme is savoring. We are all trying to savor these last few days together. Not that I havent cried a ton already I am gonna ball so hard. These people have absolutely been my life for the past 4 weeks! Since I have written last I also have written my short paper and given a little speech and like I said taught two classes. I have been pretty confined since we have been so busy. We also had the Ashrams 3 year anniversary this past Sunday and Saturday Swami-ji came to teach our class. This is one of Vishva's first teachers. the man is 100 years old!!!! And in way better shape than me. It was quite the experience. He was hilarious he know like 20 English words that he has been learning in the last 4 years. SO he would yell commands at us. Right hand! SWITCH left hand! Circle! SWITCH! RECTUM UP! and in Savasana (our final relaxation) he yelled at us RELAX! Completely relax! It was hysterical like a little boot camp Sergeant! I have pictures of him. Ive never met anyone his age that was so funny and in such good shape. He walked a few miles to get to the ashram by 6am. Twas pretty impressive. Since then I attempted headstand and threw my neck out. I then learned afterwards I did not have my head in the proper position. Every one has been so wonderful. I have my own little team of medical professionals here. Helen a resident is a Physiotherapist who has helped with my SI joint and Neck, GoRav who is the resident yoga instructor does acupressure treatment and Mad-vi our anatomy instructor who is a matrix therapy healer. Every one spent so much time with me yesterday to help fix my neck and I am much better today. I can actually turn and look at someone. What Mad-vi does though is healing energy therapy and I could feel the energy surging through my body but it was being blocked by my injured spot. She said that she can only do so much and that my Karma needs to be resolved before I will fully heal. WHAT? But the more I learn about subtle energy the more I know it is true. We hold all of our emotions in our fascia in our body. The fascia is the connective tissue that hold our organs and muscles in place. Think about any reoccurring injuries you have...are they associated with painful memories? Certain relationships, something in your child hood. From years of practicing holding our emotions, like for me in my neck and shoulders, we can actually create our physical ailments. Same with illness. Negativity and tension or guilt built up over years can cause cancer even. Anyway kinda freaky. When I get home I will have more time to elaborate on things but for now just wanted to say HI really quick and let y'all know I will be coming home soon. I leave the Ashram Sunday after lunch for the long ride to Delhi then my flight is at 1250 am to Chicago. I arrive Tuesday I think at like 230.
So send me good healing vibes
Love ya'll see ya soon. If I have time I will post some pictures.
Remeber to Savor every moment of everyday
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Downward slope
Hari Om, Namaste, Hello-
WOW this week the craziness has started! WE just had our test today which was really easy, thank goodness. It was more of an evaluation of how we are all doing in the course. Apparently our instructors are all pretty impressed with our group. We are all really brilliant and inquisitive and we pick things up really quickly. It is apparent that we all want to be here!
Johanna, my roommate, and I gave our first ever beginner yoga class on monday! That was frightening! We did really good! I of course was my self and made some silly mistakes like apologizing for something I did, I was talking really fast and then trailing off which I tend to do when I am nervous and my portion was too short. Whoops. We were each supposed to do 40 minutes but I blazed through my half and forgot to do some poses. We got really good feed back and one girl told me that I always was smiling and that my cues for the poses seemed to come from within. Like I really knew what I was talking about and that it came from my own practice ands so she felt safe with me! Awww so that was really nice. Johanna was awesome she had great command and excellent cues and we even sang a little mantra at the end. Divia our teacher said that we really represented Akahnd yoga which is the integral style we are learning here. Next tuesday we teach an intermediate class! That should be a lot of fun. We wont have to do as much explaining in poses and can ramp it up. We also have a paper due on Monday! AHHHH
There was the big Devali festival this past Saturday lots basically like Christmas mixed with 4th of July. Everyone puts lights on there house and they light off fireworks that sound like a quarter stick of dynamite. It was so loud it made me jump and scream every time. It is a celebration of the new moon, being the longest night of the year and the energy it brings. Our bodies contain both sun and moon energy, Male and female (this is actually what HA THA represents inHATHA yoga) so the lunar or female energy is embraced and it is supposed to be the best time to meditate. Six months from now when it is the longest day of the year there will be another celebration. So during this celebration we chant the Gyatri mantra while everyone lights a candle, representing the light inside of us, and then we share our inner brightness by giving out candle to a friend! then we eat lots of sweets! I had the biggest stomach ache. Totally was not worth it. We ate a bunch of sweets then watched fireworks on the roof and then learned how to dance Baliwood style. One of the students teaches back in canada. so on top of all of our sweets we jumped up and down a lot then watched a sitar and flute player then we lit off fireworks and more dancing. we all bailed at like 10 pm cuz we were all bushed!
I ate out for lunch on Sunday and it was sooooooooo delicious. I actually got to eat Garlic nann, I havent had garlic since before I came here. It is not considered a pure food cuz it causes heat in the body. Then we at some paneer tiki masala, paneer is India's version of cheese, its more like TOfu, and some veg manchurian which was a little spicy. Mmmmm it was sooo god. Oooh I also drank a pepsi. YUM Then I couldnt go to the bathroom for two days! Hari OM! THAT was worth it! the sweets...not worth the stomach ache. Come to think of it I bet it was the sweets the threw up the road block! AH HA!
SO here is a few more pictures: My roomie Johanna, ME, our hot and steamy breakfast, sunset at the ganga, the neighborhood doggie, a hindi chillin, our sweets form Devali and my candle given to me by my friend! Which would have been a great photo had I realized the clothes pin was there before I took it! HAri Om! I absolutely love Johanna, she is awesome. we feel like we have always known each other. We just fit right in together. Anyway I really should be writing my paper. Im writing it on one of the yoga sutras. I think it is 1.33. How to be kind to those that are happy, to be compassionate for those who are less fortunate, have honor for those with nobel qualities and equanimity for those whose actions oppose our values. The last one I find really difficult so that is what prompted me to pick this topic. It sounds easier than it really is. Anyway love y'all and miss ya.
Namaste :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Some more pics finally
In Oder of appearance: Our breakfast by the Ganga on recyclable plates :), breakfast being handed out, Ashram Garden, Laxmanjullah Bridge (Over Ganga River), view from lying on my bed, cow and our lovely bathroom in which we spend lots of quality time. Notice how low down the shower faucet is. We bath by bucket. 
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Good Vibrations
The Mighty Ganga
Sunday, starting at 6 am, we took a very long 8 km walk to the Ganges River called the Ganga here. We were to walk in silence. It was so amazingly beautiful to watch the sun rise over the reveal the Ganga. The mountain breeze was soo invigorating! We saw lots of cows and monkeys. Of course my hips and back were aching but as I was walking I was singing in my head one of the oldest Vedic Mantras. The Gyatri Mantra: Om boor boovah swaha/ Tat Savitur varenyum/ Bargho devasya deemahi/ Deyoyo na prachodtaya...dont quote me on the spelling. It has been sung for Thousands of years and every time one sings it one invokes the positive power sent with it for those thousands of years. It is basically a call to the Divine, whomever or whatever that may mean for you, for gratitude for life and removal of pain and sorrow and thank full for all of nature, may we see the light. So the more I focus on singing this mantra and not how much my leg hurt or how much my back hurt or why did I wear my stupid keens instead of my tennies, the less I felt my pain.
As we finally made our way down to the river we were all captivated by the power of the rushing water. Rafters went screaming by bouncing off the rapids. There were giant boulders everywhere and we all went exploring the different pools and waterfalls in the shallow water. Vishva-ji made us all gather round in a circle amongst some of the boulders and told us the significance of the mighty Ganga. So Hindus believe in cremation and there was a spiritual king who had burned the body of his ancestor and this king wanted something special to do with the ashes to return the elements to the earth. SO for many many moons this king prayed to Shiva for an answer to this problem. So SHiva answered by breaking off one of his dreadlocks and the mighty Ganga has been pouring out ever since. The Ganga has special minerals in it found no where else int he world. Lots of healing mineral. Some Hindis will even put a full body in the Ganges and it will disintegrate more quickly than conventional methods. BUT where the real power comes from is at the source of the GAnges. The Ganges source is a glacier. At this glacier live monks dedicated to singing mantra and prayer to the river. Now there is a man who has recently studied the form of water. His website is posted at the bottom of this page, Dr. E. Moto. He found that when you sing or speak positively to water it is able to form beautiful complete crystals, but when he spoke or sang negatively to the water the crystals would not form leaving the water disconnected. Now the monks at the source of the river sing only positive songs and praise to the river. (all mantras are only positive, Never negative), so that means all of that positive energy is locked into the waters form and cascades down bringing with it all of that good vibration. That is why the Ganga is such a holy river. Now lets think about ourselves and our bodies; we are made up of 70% water. That means everything we say and think and do has an energy associated with it. If we think and speak positively it resonates with in our whole body spreading the good vibrations to all of our limbs, organs and cells. So conversely every negative thought deed or words resonates with in that same space in our body. Thus the power of positive thinking, speaking and acting! Which would you have resonating in your cells?
This was truly a spiritual experience. Of course we were fortunate enough to be north enough along the Ganges to be out of the pollution and trash and dead bodies, (which slightly taints the vibration of the water) so the water was still very cleansing. We all got to take a dip and it was truly invigorating. We got our breakfast delivered there too and it was one of the best breakfasts yet! Afterwards we all sat in a circles did some chanting adding our positive vibrations to the water. It was such content filled day. The kind where you have a big smile on your face and let out a big sigh! Then thankfully we did not have to walk back we got to take shifts in our little car minivan thing. Rule number 1 "Always room in Indian Car". It seats 10 comfortable, we squeezed in 13!
Other things are moving right along. my knees and back really dont hurt from sitting on the floor anymore. Its still a little stiff to get up. Im really starting to crave some comfort food. I just dont understand why we cant just have some mashed potatoes! We eat potatos what's so hard about stirring them up and throwing some Ghee into it? Ghee is purified butter by the way. Yah especially since yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving and being that like 35 % of the students are Canadian I thought we might get a special treat but ALAS I am too hopefull.
Well its time to get back and learn some anatomy y'all so I wish you could all be here with me Rishikesh is so amazing!
Oh yes I need to tell you all about the Fire Puja next time! ALso a good positive energy story.
Smell y'all later...Oh wait that's me that smells! Ha I forgot my deodorant! It took about a week thought to get all of my toxins out and now I dont smell so bad.
Kisses and check out the website below!
Miss KAtie
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Appreciate what you have!
So I posted some photos. One was the view from my room, one is me standing beside the Neer Waterfall Saturday and then the other two are from the bus ride up here.
Appreciate what you have was the theme of our yoga class yesterday morning and it is a very powerful sentiment. We have been living very simply here and still have more than most families. We have electricity, running water, filtered drinking water, delicious sattvic food(pure easily digestible), a hot water heater in our bathroom and even air conditioning in the yoga hall.
Take a moment to appreciate ALL that you have in the states! What we have in america is 10000 times more than everyone one I have seen here so far. Yet these people are happy. they dont have all of this stuff to take care of every day. Through maintaining all of the THINGS we have it takes away our energy takes us away from ourselves and makes us unhappy. I know Nick will be happy to hear this: I washed by hand today: 3 pairs of shorts, two shalls, two pair of socks, two shirts and two pants and it took me almost an hour and Iwas thinking that if we had to wash all of our clothes by hand we would not have a whole closet full! I am really learning A LOT here! I was definitely appreciative of getting porridge for breakfast yesterday! WE only had it once so far and it is so fresh and tasty. Everything we eat is cooked so we dont get sick from it. I am dying for a salad. But when we got porridge and then milk with breakfast I could not have been more thankful. I am also very appreciative of this little Internet cafe here its 10 rupees for 15 minutes. The rate 47 rupees to 1 dollar!!!!!! I got massage and it was 500 rupees. I am also thankful for TOm loaning me his camera and his little card stick so I can actually send you photos. We all have an abundance to be thankful for and I hope that you can all practice some yoga with me and think of things to be thankful for everyday. I feel my heart really opening up here. We all get these little gems here and I get to bring them back and share them with you. I am very excited about that!
Anyway Monday started our classes and HOLY COW all we do is sit cross legged. We sit cross legged on the floor for every meal and for six hours worth for class all day and we had a Kiirtan last night and we had to sit for that!!! Everyone's knees are breaking and my thighs are yelling. However it is very amazing how much my legs have opened up after only one day and now after three days both of my knees are almost touching the floor when I sit! The transformation is pretty amazing. My teachers are amazing too. Vishvaji is hysterical and soo adorable we all want to put him in our pocket and take him home with us. I am learning so much about philosophy and poses. IT is truly amazing. Surprisinly it hasnt felt too overwhelming. Of course I have cried almost everyday. The yoga class sent some upwelling yesterday. TO really appraciate and to know that, all we will ever need is already inside of us. we dont have to search just look inside! It very liberating.
We had the coolest experience in Kiirtan last night. Kiirtan is singing together usually call and response in a repitive fashion. usually singing about something very positive or praiseing our divine nature. So we all Om'ed together. Well chanted Om together and when we finished we had to start again so everyone Om'ed at their own breath capacity just repeating OM for like 5 minutes. But there were more than 30 of us and all of the different voices and pitches and lengths of everyon's Om'ing was sooooo amazing. It was almost as everyones voices swirled in the middle of the circle and lifted up like smoke in a camp fire. It was way magical. I would like to try with a bunch of people when I get home! Apparently the Gregorian Monks chant like that. It was wicked!
Anyway I have to get back and take my bath for the night! Which consists of a bucket of water and sitting back on my heels on the marble bathroom floor. Im finding it a very devotional experience. When we take care of ourselves it can be a form of devotion to our divine nature. We move fast around here!
Love you all and miss you.
Appreciate what you have was the theme of our yoga class yesterday morning and it is a very powerful sentiment. We have been living very simply here and still have more than most families. We have electricity, running water, filtered drinking water, delicious sattvic food(pure easily digestible), a hot water heater in our bathroom and even air conditioning in the yoga hall.
Take a moment to appreciate ALL that you have in the states! What we have in america is 10000 times more than everyone one I have seen here so far. Yet these people are happy. they dont have all of this stuff to take care of every day. Through maintaining all of the THINGS we have it takes away our energy takes us away from ourselves and makes us unhappy. I know Nick will be happy to hear this: I washed by hand today: 3 pairs of shorts, two shalls, two pair of socks, two shirts and two pants and it took me almost an hour and Iwas thinking that if we had to wash all of our clothes by hand we would not have a whole closet full! I am really learning A LOT here! I was definitely appreciative of getting porridge for breakfast yesterday! WE only had it once so far and it is so fresh and tasty. Everything we eat is cooked so we dont get sick from it. I am dying for a salad. But when we got porridge and then milk with breakfast I could not have been more thankful. I am also very appreciative of this little Internet cafe here its 10 rupees for 15 minutes. The rate 47 rupees to 1 dollar!!!!!! I got massage and it was 500 rupees. I am also thankful for TOm loaning me his camera and his little card stick so I can actually send you photos. We all have an abundance to be thankful for and I hope that you can all practice some yoga with me and think of things to be thankful for everyday. I feel my heart really opening up here. We all get these little gems here and I get to bring them back and share them with you. I am very excited about that!
Anyway Monday started our classes and HOLY COW all we do is sit cross legged. We sit cross legged on the floor for every meal and for six hours worth for class all day and we had a Kiirtan last night and we had to sit for that!!! Everyone's knees are breaking and my thighs are yelling. However it is very amazing how much my legs have opened up after only one day and now after three days both of my knees are almost touching the floor when I sit! The transformation is pretty amazing. My teachers are amazing too. Vishvaji is hysterical and soo adorable we all want to put him in our pocket and take him home with us. I am learning so much about philosophy and poses. IT is truly amazing. Surprisinly it hasnt felt too overwhelming. Of course I have cried almost everyday. The yoga class sent some upwelling yesterday. TO really appraciate and to know that, all we will ever need is already inside of us. we dont have to search just look inside! It very liberating.
We had the coolest experience in Kiirtan last night. Kiirtan is singing together usually call and response in a repitive fashion. usually singing about something very positive or praiseing our divine nature. So we all Om'ed together. Well chanted Om together and when we finished we had to start again so everyone Om'ed at their own breath capacity just repeating OM for like 5 minutes. But there were more than 30 of us and all of the different voices and pitches and lengths of everyon's Om'ing was sooooo amazing. It was almost as everyones voices swirled in the middle of the circle and lifted up like smoke in a camp fire. It was way magical. I would like to try with a bunch of people when I get home! Apparently the Gregorian Monks chant like that. It was wicked!
Anyway I have to get back and take my bath for the night! Which consists of a bucket of water and sitting back on my heels on the marble bathroom floor. Im finding it a very devotional experience. When we take care of ourselves it can be a form of devotion to our divine nature. We move fast around here!
Love you all and miss you.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
HAri Om all
That means "it is what it is". I have been learning lots of great phrases. WEll we have had lots of free time. I got to hike up to the Neer watefall yesterday and today we went into the town and got some white clothes so all of us aspiring swamis cant be pure and legit. Everyone looks beautiful. The clothes and the scarves are beyond beautiful and dirt cheap. A silk scarf is 450 rupees or like 9 dollars! Its ridiculous.
All of my class mates and everyone at the Ashram is so wonderful! I shared my trail mix with everyone at the waterfall yesterday and I have never met more grateful people. They were all so happy. It made me feel squishy inside.
I got an aryevedic massage today and I think I am in love. The masseur's name is Reginee and she has the most wonderful touch like a mother and is so glowingly beautiful!
My back has been pretty upset after the plane ride and the bumpy bus ride here and all of the walking. I was really scared this afternoon that I would be crippled even after my massage. (doesnt quite cure a bulging disc). So this other lady, Mad-vi, who is our anatomy instructor also does this crazy Osteopathic healing, I dont know what she did but It toally fixed my back. I actually felt my vertebrae slide back into place! SHE BARELY TOUCHED me! ANd I mean barely. She just laid her hand on me and lightly touched parts of my body and I could fell them release. Iw as VERY skeptical but she talked to me bones and they answered. It was a miracle. I have never felt such wonderful positive energy in all my life.
This place is truly a spiritual mecca. I have not had any dsire to fell negative, I havent even missed meat or cheese! I have only been hre four days and I am already feeling an amazing transformation! I feel my inner light burning stronger and brighter.
Holy crap the people int he Internet cafe just scared a monkey away. I thought there was a fight outside!
Can you imagine how I will be after 3 more weeks!
Anyway I love you all and wish me luck and healing energy. WE start our full on schedule tomorrow so now will be the true test!
Love you
Om Shanti
That means "it is what it is". I have been learning lots of great phrases. WEll we have had lots of free time. I got to hike up to the Neer watefall yesterday and today we went into the town and got some white clothes so all of us aspiring swamis cant be pure and legit. Everyone looks beautiful. The clothes and the scarves are beyond beautiful and dirt cheap. A silk scarf is 450 rupees or like 9 dollars! Its ridiculous.
All of my class mates and everyone at the Ashram is so wonderful! I shared my trail mix with everyone at the waterfall yesterday and I have never met more grateful people. They were all so happy. It made me feel squishy inside.
I got an aryevedic massage today and I think I am in love. The masseur's name is Reginee and she has the most wonderful touch like a mother and is so glowingly beautiful!
My back has been pretty upset after the plane ride and the bumpy bus ride here and all of the walking. I was really scared this afternoon that I would be crippled even after my massage. (doesnt quite cure a bulging disc). So this other lady, Mad-vi, who is our anatomy instructor also does this crazy Osteopathic healing, I dont know what she did but It toally fixed my back. I actually felt my vertebrae slide back into place! SHE BARELY TOUCHED me! ANd I mean barely. She just laid her hand on me and lightly touched parts of my body and I could fell them release. Iw as VERY skeptical but she talked to me bones and they answered. It was a miracle. I have never felt such wonderful positive energy in all my life.
This place is truly a spiritual mecca. I have not had any dsire to fell negative, I havent even missed meat or cheese! I have only been hre four days and I am already feeling an amazing transformation! I feel my inner light burning stronger and brighter.
Holy crap the people int he Internet cafe just scared a monkey away. I thought there was a fight outside!
Can you imagine how I will be after 3 more weeks!
Anyway I love you all and wish me luck and healing energy. WE start our full on schedule tomorrow so now will be the true test!
Love you
Om Shanti
Friday, October 2, 2009
Well I made it! After travelling 7477 miles by air and then 8 hours by bus. We have landed in Rishikesh. It is amazing here! It reminds of one big shakedown street at a music festival. Everyone on the side of the road trying to sell you food, purses, post cards, drinks, clothes trinkets. Everyone drives like a bat out of hell and uses their horn constantly. But it is not a hostile horn it is just move! We had many near deth experiences driving however, and many near head on collisions. But we were in a large air conditioned charter bus from Delhi. Twas very nice. The roads are horribly bumpy all of us almost purged our spines.
Nothing has been as crazy as I though it would be surprisingly. There are cows everywhere, mangy dogs, and monkeys. They are just as common as pigeons! But in Rishikesh we are right at the mountains and it is sooo beautiful. The wind last night and this morning was magical!
We had our first yoga class this morning and it was too amazing and much needed after all of the cramped travelling. We will be taking it easy for the next couple of days and starting our full on schedule on Monday.
So far I have not gotten sick at all. still having a bit of traveller back up but once our routine kicks in I imaging that will change! Speaking of which, we are expected to use the bathroom the indian way. Which means no toilet paper! They do have a bidet of sorts and a little faucet with a bucket to fill and then to pour water over the "soiled" area and use your left had to remove any debri. Dont worry we smuggled in some TP!
The food is Fricken AWESOME!!!!!! So delicious, after eating meals in India for two days now I dont miss meat at all! We have to sit cross legged on the dining hall floor just like the picture which is tricky on the back and knees. My left leg keeps going numb! Oh my goodness though, the porridge we had this morning was divine! It had slivers of fresh coconut and milk AND I dont know what else but it was Delicious.
WE have a full class of 30 people. 28 chicks and two dudes! Everyone is super nice. There are from all over too: Brasil, Hong Kong, Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada of course, Paris, a country I have never heard of near Poland and I cant remember where else.
I was so tired yesterday I cried Had a near anxiety attack. But I Slept like a baby last night and all is well today. My low back has barely survived but we have yoga class number 2 in a couple of hours so we will see how that goes.
I wish you all were here with me, this is definitely an amazing experience. I am pretty much the least world travelled out of the whole bunch. SO I guess I've some catching up to do.
Until the next time...
Nothing has been as crazy as I though it would be surprisingly. There are cows everywhere, mangy dogs, and monkeys. They are just as common as pigeons! But in Rishikesh we are right at the mountains and it is sooo beautiful. The wind last night and this morning was magical!
We had our first yoga class this morning and it was too amazing and much needed after all of the cramped travelling. We will be taking it easy for the next couple of days and starting our full on schedule on Monday.
So far I have not gotten sick at all. still having a bit of traveller back up but once our routine kicks in I imaging that will change! Speaking of which, we are expected to use the bathroom the indian way. Which means no toilet paper! They do have a bidet of sorts and a little faucet with a bucket to fill and then to pour water over the "soiled" area and use your left had to remove any debri. Dont worry we smuggled in some TP!
The food is Fricken AWESOME!!!!!! So delicious, after eating meals in India for two days now I dont miss meat at all! We have to sit cross legged on the dining hall floor just like the picture which is tricky on the back and knees. My left leg keeps going numb! Oh my goodness though, the porridge we had this morning was divine! It had slivers of fresh coconut and milk AND I dont know what else but it was Delicious.
WE have a full class of 30 people. 28 chicks and two dudes! Everyone is super nice. There are from all over too: Brasil, Hong Kong, Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada of course, Paris, a country I have never heard of near Poland and I cant remember where else.
I was so tired yesterday I cried Had a near anxiety attack. But I Slept like a baby last night and all is well today. My low back has barely survived but we have yoga class number 2 in a couple of hours so we will see how that goes.
I wish you all were here with me, this is definitely an amazing experience. I am pretty much the least world travelled out of the whole bunch. SO I guess I've some catching up to do.
Until the next time...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Im currently in the Chicago Ohare Airport. My flight doesnt leave for another 5 hours! However I paid the 50$ to lounge comfortably in the Admirals club. I have cozy leather seats to sit in, complimentary tea, coffee, water, fruit and snacks and even a shower. Im getting lots of reading done and saying lots of goodbyes. I've probably watched a hundred planes land already. So far I am not nervous. Pretty tired though. That all may change around 645.
So maybe you'll hear from me in a few days.
Next stop, NewDehli!!!!!!!!!
So maybe you'll hear from me in a few days.
Next stop, NewDehli!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Long flight
SO I am really doing it! Holy Cow! I leave Tuesday at 810 am from Tampa to Chicago. I will spend 8 hours in chicago waiting for my flight to New Dehli. My flight leaves Chicago at 720ish and I arrive in New Dehli at 8 pm on wednesday. Did I mention its a 14 hour flight!!! The Instructors will pick me up from the airport. WE stay overnight in a dumpy little hotel then the next morning at 7 am we take a private charter bus 230km north to Rishikesh. Then yoga boot camp begins!
I managed to fit all of my stuff into one checked back pack and one carry on back pack! DOH!
I managed to fit all of my stuff into one checked back pack and one carry on back pack! DOH!
Couldnt forget my pillow and blanket :) Cozy
Doubt I can sleep tonight but I have the Best husband in the world who is getting up early to take me to the airport! yay Nick
Doubt I can sleep tonight but I have the Best husband in the world who is getting up early to take me to the airport! yay Nick
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Daily Schedule
Wake up
Yoga class
Mantra and meditation
Philosophy Discussion
Techniques class
Personal time
Methodology, Anatomy or Ethics Discussion
Techniques or Practicum
Kiirtan, sharing and meditation (Tuesdays and Fridays)
Studying or journaling in Silence
Lights out
Wake up
Yoga class
Mantra and meditation
Philosophy Discussion
Techniques class
Personal time
Methodology, Anatomy or Ethics Discussion
Techniques or Practicum
Kiirtan, sharing and meditation (Tuesdays and Fridays)
Studying or journaling in Silence
Lights out
Well, I am nearly packed! I have enough pharmaceuticals to stave off infection for a small country and to protect myself from malaria, dysentery, stomach flu, any digestive problem, in fact, and I am vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B and Typhoid. I wont have to worry about any kind of sleeping disorder or any type of pain; in fact I will probably have more pills in my belly than porridge or rice or chapatti. However, this is the lightest I have packed for any trip really! Now if it will all just fit into two back packs!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Here I am....

Here is a map courtesy of the web to show where Rishikesh is. Here is the link for google maps. http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS322US322&q=rishikesh%20india&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wlsourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS322US322&q=rishikesh%20india&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl
Where in the world...

I travel to Rishikesh, India Wednesday September 30th to become a yoga instructor at the 200 hour level through the World Conscious Yoga Family. Here's the link: http://www.worldyogafamily.com/. I will be staying at the Anand Prakash Ashram: http://www.anandprakashashram.com/. This Ashram was opened in Nov of 2007.
"The ashram is located in the dynamic international village of spiritual seekers in an area of Rishikesh called Tapovan, about 250 kms. north or Delhi. The Ganges river valley here is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and it is considered the gateway to the Himalayas. Tapovan is an ideal location for yoga sadhana; it is named for its heritage as a site for spiritual disciplines. Tap, represents tapas, the practice of spiritual disciplines. Van means forest. So, Tapovan is the forest of the yogis. Anand Prakash is on a headland above the banks of the Ganges, one of the first open spaces down river from the source of the Ganges. The wind and all the prana carried from the Himalayas whistle down the river valley and blow out over this headland invigorating the ashram area.".....Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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